Here it is „Shchedryi vechir” (Bountiful evening)!
The premiere is also an opportunity for DAGADANA to announce our new album, whose release is planned for the beginning of summer 2020.
The album’s material will be heavily inspired by wishing songs (shchedrivkas). This results from the band’s will to spread Goodness to Everyone, above all divisions.
We live in really interesting times. Political maps keep changing, a single Facebook post can spark up a revolution. Technological progress completely alters our reality and forces us to find ourselves in the new world time and again. In response to omnipresent pain and hopelessness, we make an attempt to change something, at least on the mental level.
Every word has its own power.
#dobratradycja #dagadana
♡Jędrek Filuś, Dominika Dyka, Майстерня Треті Півні, Agnieszka Białek, Tomasz Frąszczak, Mateusz Hulbój
Special ♡ to our amazing crew, actors, friends and families.
Agora Muzyka, Independent Digital, NRA Damian Rogala